History of Persian literature

Persian Literature

The Persian language almost came into prevalence in Iran almost thousands of years ago and Changed into scientific & literary language.

     In the period of "Saaman", emperors, rulers, and Other governmental authorities had a great interest in the Persian language & culture. Therefore, Persian prose
& poetry flourished- Many great poets and writers born. At the beginning of this period, “Rudaki Samarkan”
and in the ending “Firdog," appeared. And these two poets are cultured of the same period in which great poetswere born.

     The scholars and writers of this period wrote Many books on a large number of topics. And in this period, Arabic words had not mixed into Persian. The poet and epic writers preferred fictions and epics o to the Arabic words! The epopee of firdosi, Balkhi, and
Abu Al-Mansooris are the significant books whose title always has been the epic & fictions of Iran.

In the period of salgugi Torkich, poetry & prose of Persian language similarly developed and till the seventh century, most of the great poets & writers like "Nasir Khusru”, “Khayyam", "Nizami" and philosophers and researchers like “Bu Ali sienna", “Farabi" etc. born and became eternal in history forever. They have written many things, on various concepts and topics, for example, "Kitab-e-Siyasat Name" about politics "Qaboos Name” in the aspect of teaching and disciplining and Kitab-e-Chahar Magale" about the literature and critique literary.

      At the end of the Sixth century Hijri, the Persian language came under the influence of the Arabic language and many words & phrases entered into the Persian language.

      In the Seventh and Eighth A.H. (13th and 14th A.D.) is the period of the Persian literature evolution. Afterward gradually the Splendor of Iranian Culture and Persian literature got down. In this very period, Mughal people invaded Iran, and killed the innocent people and also destroyed the many schools' libraries, educational institutions. Consequently, the political, Societal, and educational conditions changed.

 In this whole period, no one great Scholar in any aspect born. But in the seventh A.H. (13th A.D.) few poets and writers presented whose popularity is universal. i.e. “Saadi" the writer of the valuable two books “Gulistan" and "Bostan", came into the world in 7th A.H. and left the world in the end of the same century Hijri, " Maulvi" is the poet and writer who lived in 7th A.H. He was a great thinker and philosopher. And who doesn’t know the Mountain of Persian literature “Hafiz” living in 8th A.H. (14th A.D.) -

     In the period of "Safavi" (16th A.D.), the language and literature of Iran went through the downslide. The words and phrases of Arabic, Mughaulic and Turkish prevailed in Persian. You should know that between the 784 A.D. and 1600 A.D., Arabs, Turkish and Mughals ruled over Iran, It means Almost 816 years, Non- Iranian governed over Iran. Therefore, the language and culture of Iran was changed much more. But in the period of "safavi" Almost came around the previous situation.

In the safavi period, writings of Arabic Turkish and Mughal period was the rhetoric. Scientific and literary books were written less. Most of these books were long & thick and their texts were inappropriate and uncomfortable.

      Then, some  Historians and poets agreed and decided to reform the state of poetry and prose. In their eyes, the great poem and prose were exist in the sixth and seventh centuries. Therefore, they followed the same patterns and tried to write their motives in an uncomplicated and simple way so that people can read them and understand easily.

Gradually different types of newspapers went on publishing and their writers tried to write the articles for the people without ambiguity and complication.

Thus,the language and Persian prose became an easy and local language. This is the language that has brought today's Persian literary and scientific language into existence.

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