Development of Historiography During the Abbasid Period


The History initially was just the collection of myths, fables, tales and events without the obligation of any proof & references. (i.e. what was heard was narrated). The Muslim Historians developed & promoted it at scientific base particularly in the Abbasid Period, the Muslims presented the proves & records and made the Historiography a trustworthy science.

Definition of Historiography

According to Muslim Historians,

"It is the analysis of past events that would allow us to be aware of the conditions of nations, countries and times, traditions and races of nations."

The Historiography starts from the prophet's period as in the Holy Qur'an, there are mentioned some places, events, and conditions of past nations and kingdoms that inspired the Muslim Scholars to arrange or compile the History.

The Beginning of The History Writing

History writing was founded in the Umayyad Period and on Hazrat Amir-e-Mu'awiyah's order, Ubaid bin Shari'ah wrote a history book naming "Kitab Al-Muluk wa Akhbar Al-Madiyyeen" (کتاب الملوک و اخبار الماضیین ). which is also NAMED as the "1st book of the Historiography". But this art of history writing developed a lot in the Abbasid Period and other different aspects of History writing came front.

In the first phase of the Abbasid period, history writing, biography of prophet and battles were being written. therefore, this phase is said to be " the period of biography and battles". In the Abbasid period, the most important books for this branch of history are:

1) Sirat ibn=e=Hisham (سیرۃ ابن ھشام)wrote by Ibn-e-Hisham and it was a great substitute of his tutor Imam ibn-e-Ishaque. (امام ابن اسحاق)
2) Kitab Al-Maghazi ( کتاب المغازی) wrote by M'amar bin Rashid Basari (158 H.)
3) Sirat AL-Nabi and Sirat Al-Khulfa AL-Rashidin (سیرۃ النبی و سیرۃ الخلفائ الراشدین) wrote by Abu Zur'ah Damashqi (280 H.).

At the second phase of Abbasid Caliphate, history writing replaced by biography and battles writing on account of Islamic victories & widenings of the Islamic Area. Then in 3rd Century Hijri, conditions of the country, nations, persons, etc. began to be written due to the scattering of Islamic Government into various small parts.

Historians of Abbasid Period

the prominent historians of the Abbasid period are:

1) Ahmad bin Yahya Bilgrami (279 H.)
2) Mohammad bin Jareer Tabari (310 H.).
3) Ali bin Hussain Mas'oodi (346 H.).
4) Ibn-e-Asakir (571 H.)/
5) Ibn-e-Jawzi (597 H.). etc.

In the Abbasid period, there was basically two methods of History writing:

1) The events were mentioned with proof in terms of years. This method was widely accepted. The Historians for this method are:

1) Mohammad bin Jareer Tabari (310 H.)
2) Ibn-e-Athir (630 H.)

2) The events were mentioned in terms of the pattern of Qur'anin events. In such a way that along with events mentioning, its reasons & consequences were also mentioned. The Prominent Historians of This method are:

1) Ali bin Hussain Mas'oodi (346 H.)
2) Ibn-e-Khaldun (808 H.)
3) Ibn-e-A'bri

The Philosophy of History

In the same period, some books were composed of the philosophy of history. Mohammad bin Walid Quraishi (520 H.) has mentioned the rules & conditions of Politics in His book " Siraj Al-Muluk" (سراج الملوک)  by delving into historical events. But he did not consider it as a separate art. The credit of inventing the Philosophy of History goes to the famous Spanish Historian "Ibn-e-Khaldun"(808 H.).

In the Abbasid Period, we find the trend of Universal History Writing. Hence, the history writing of this period is categorized as " The Universal History Writing" and "The Local or Regional History Writing".

In first category, the history from the beginning of the world till the writer's period is written while in the other category, the history of a particular region or area with its culture, civilization, and biography of prominent people of that period, is written. e.g. Tarikh-e-Baghdad, Tarikh-e-Damishq, etc.

The universal history writers of the Abbasid period are:

1) Imam Tabari, Mohammad bin Jareer (310 H.) wrote the book " Tareekh-e-Tabari".
2) Ahmad bin Ishaque wrote the book "Tareekh-e-Ya'qoobi" (315 H.).

The Local or Regional History writers of Abbasid Period are:

1) Ibn-e-'Asakir (571 h.) wrote the book " Tareekh-e-Damishq".
2) Khateeb Baghdadi (463 H.) wrote the book " Tareekh-e-Baghdad.

There are other lots of books & Authors in the Abbasid period that we can't mention all here.

This is the Development of Historiography in the Abbasid Period.

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