Grammar and Lexicography

The science of grammar preceded other sciences in time and others in respect of its development on account of the exigency of the time. Abul Aswad Al-Dawli was one of the first to take an interest in studying this science as it was the urgent need of the time. This process started during the Umayyad period which culminated in its full perfection during the Abbasid rule. The credit for this goes to the scholars of Al-Kufa and AlBasra in particular as the two schools of grammarians. The scholars of Al Basra made headway in compiling books on the subject. Among them are Abul-Aswad Ibn Abi Ishaq Al-Hadrami and Isa bin Umar Harum bin Musa and Sibwai.
 The scholars of Al Kufa followed them and disagreed with them with regard to some grammatical rules which resulted in debates between the scholars of the two cities. No doubt the scholars of Al-Basra were better informed and had gone deeper in their knowledge and learning. But the scholars of Al-Kufa had the patronage of Abbasid rulers since they belonged to their party politically. They were also appointed as teachers for the sons of the royal family. We are giving in brief the events of the lives of the prominent grammarians of the time as under,

(1)       Sibwaih (D. 182.A.H)

His name is Abu Bashr Amar bin Uthman Sibwaih which is a Persian word meaning the apple's sweet smell. He was raised in Al Basra, and taught Hadith and Al-Fiqh sciences there. Then he devoted himself to the study of grammar under Khalil Yunus and Isa bin Umar until he gained proficiency in it. He produced a book on the science of Arabic grammar the like of which had not been written by anyone. This work in the world of learning was received as a great event of rejoicing for the lovers of knowledge. The vast knowledge of Sibwaih was recognized by one and all so much so that the great scholar Al Mubarrad used to say when he wanted someone to read this book.
ھل ركبت البحر ؟
This is the greatest tribute paid to Sibwaih by a scholar of AlMubarrad stature.
From among the grammarian who flourished in Kufa to names of distinguished persons Madhal Hra (D. 187 A.H) and in Nephew Abu Jafar and Al Rawasi have reached us who compiled a book on grammar but the work perished and is lost.

(II) Maadh Al-Hara (d. 187A.H)

 His name is Abu Muslim Ibn Al Nadeem the author of Al Fihrist writes about him.
ولد فی ایام ولید بن عبد الملک ومات فی السنۃ التی نکبت فیھا البرامکۃ سنۃ سبع وثمانین و ماٗۃ۔ وکان لہ اولاد و اولاد اولاد۔ فقالوا کلھم وھو باق ولا کتاب لہ یعرف۔

. (III) Al-Kisai (d.189 A.H)

His name is Ali bin Hamza. He is one of the most prominent grammarians of Kufa. He learned grammar under his aforementioned teachers Abu Jafar and Maadh. He then headed to Basra and met Khalil bin Ahmad there, and received directions from him. He is one of those who loved the study of Arabic Grammar. He was appointed to teach the sons of the caliph at Baghdad. He was involved in a debate with Sibwaih in the presence of the caliph Amin, who could not tolerate the defeat of the court, scholar who was also the teacher of the sons of the royal family. At last a bed win. Was called to decide the matter who gave his judgment in favor of Sibwaih which made the caliph Amin angry.
The story is long and this is not the Occasion to narrate. The author of Al Fihrist Ibnu al Nadeem says:
اشرف الرشید علی الکسائ، وھو لا یراہ۔ فقام الکسائ لیلبس نعلہ لحاجۃٍیریدھا۔ فابتدا الامین و المامون فوضعھما بین یدیہ ۔ فقبل راسھما و ایدیھما ثم اقسم علیھما ان لا یعاووا ۔ فلما جلس الرشید مجلسہ قال: ای الناس اکرم خادماً؟۔ قالوا امیر المومنین! اعزہ اللہ قال بل الکسائ، یخدمہ الامین والمامون وحدثھم الحدیث۔
Al Kisai died at Rai in the year 197 AH. According to Ibnu-Al Nadeem who has also given the list of his works as under:
وتوفی بالری سنه سبع وتسعين ماۃ نے زورمن و ابر لوسن النامی في يوم واعدد لہسن التب کتاب معانی الغران کتاب معمالتي كتاب الخات . کتاب العدد کتاب الزا درا اکبر ناب الزادر الاوسط . کتاب النوادر الا معر کتاب منغلي القرآن مر مر له کتاب اتلان العدد کتاب السماء . كتاب المصادر تتاب اشعار المعاياه و طرائعها كتاب السماوات الى مهام القرآن كتاب الحرف

(IV) Al-Fara (D. 207 AH)

His name is Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Ziyad. Abu Bakr bin Al Ansari says about him:
لو لم یکن لاھل بغداد والکوفۃ من  علماء العربیۃ الا الکسائ والفرا لکان لھم بھما الافتخارعلی جمیع الناس۔
The tribute paid to Al Fara by Al Anbari is sufficient to determine the position of Al Fara among the grammarians of the Abbasid period Jurji Zaidan has given a list of his contribution to Arabic language and literature which is not confined to grammar only who says 3
هم بين القرار هفته فی معرفته على الزر خانه مان ماهانی البوم والطب و ایام العرب و انبارها رله مولفات كثيرة تدل فيثله څه ژران ورقه ای ... هیفیه
 (V) Ibn al Sakeet (D.244 A.H.)

His full name is Abu Yusuf Yuqub bin Ishaq Al-Sakeet who is last of the grammarians of Kufa during this period who studied the science under his teachers Abu Amar Al Saibani, Al Fara and Ibnu Al Arabi. His contribution to the Arabic language is given by Jurji Zaidan as under:
قد لعن ربعه وعشري ملفا في النحو واللغة والنطق والتعرق
زکریا صاحب الفهرست و صهناك ما بلغنا خبرة منها - . كتاب الايفارا و تزبب الالفاظ في اللغة لبي في التنمي - كتاب أملاح المنطق ... ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔
Now that we have given in the brief the gradual development of Arabic grammar in the early Abbasid period. Our study has opened before us new a venues to explore in respect of overall studies made by the scholars of Arabic Language as a science. The time had come to extend the study of lexicography. The language science was described in the following terms by jurji Zaidan. 2
برتر تعلم اللغة الاشتغال بالفاظ اللغة منحرف معاطيها واهلها وا شنقا فرها وصرنتها لبن المعالم العزبة
After’ defining the science of language he further asserts that 3
--------- البل ممت لها في هذا العمر
Foundation for this purpose had been laid in the early period of the Abbasid rule which reached its maturity in the third phase of its development during the Abbasid rule. We are mentioning below the scholars who combined in them wider knowledge spreading over almost all fields of Arabic language and Literature.

(1)       Al Khalil Bin Ahmad (D. 180 A.H)
 His name is Abu Abdul Rahman Al Khalil bin Ahmad. He was so much engrossed in working out the details that he was almost mad after it. It so happened once that he was sitting in his small room working out the minute details of various forms of metres he had invented. He was practicing what he had contemplated and in his excitement his fingers were moving in a fashion which none could understand. When his son saw him in that state he thought that his father had gone mad. Khalil recited the following verses in reply to what his son thought about him.
His most favors work is Kitabu Al Amin (unfortunately this book has reached us only in parts. The real book is lost to the world of learning.
Khalil was a pious man and cared more for the life after death than life in this world. He was devoted to learning and all his time was spent in reading and writing. He died while he was in Basra in the year 170 A.H at the age of 74 years as reported by Ibnu Al Nadeem: but jurji Zaidan has given the year of his death as 180 A.H.

(II) Abu Uthman Al Mazini (D 249 A.H)

One of the eminent grammarian of Abbasid period is Abu Uthman Al Mazini who wrote a number of books on grammar. He belonged to Basra 1. Ibnu-Al-Nadeem-Al Fihrist School. It is unfortunate that none of his valuable works reached us.jurji Zaidan says about him.
المري المتوفى سنة ۲۴۵ م وهما مرة وكان اداری معاسرارالي الیوم المهرة لمشد . . . . .... والماز اول دون علم التعريف
(III) Abul Abbas Thalab (D. 291 A.H)

Abul Abbas Ahmad bin yaha bin Faid bin Sayyar was born in 200 A.H. He settled in Baghdad and died in the year 291 A.H. The following are his works. 1. Kitabu Al-Faasih
كتاب القصبي
کتاب قواعد الشعر
کی دلران زبیر
ترا دلیران را محشی
Which is a collection of the eloquent sentences uttered by the Arabs and used by many in the society. 2. Kitabu Qawaidi al Shir3. Sharha Diwani Zubair - 4. Sharhu Diwani Al Aash - 5. Kitabu Al Amali.

(IV) Abu Ishaq Al-Zujaj( D.311.A.H.)

Abu Ishaq Al Zujaj studied under the great scholar Al-Mubarrad. His contribution to the science of grammar and other sciences is given in brief as reported by Ibnu Al-Nadeem in his Al Fihrist and also by Jurji Zaidan who writes. 2
كتاب الاسالی
رله مولغات السترة مالك ما لقى منها ۔۔۔ (1) كتاب سرالجو .. .. .. (۲) کتاب الامانة و التعميم من مغی بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (2) کتاب حلی اونان في اللغة
معالي الفران (4) كلنا
The dates of his death mentioned by him and Jurji Zaidan doesn’t match as noted above.

V Abul Abbas Al Mubarad. (D. 285 A.D)

His name is Abul Abbas Muhammad bin Yazid bin Abdul Akbar AlThamule who is known as Al Mubarrad. He was born in the year 210 A.H. at Basra. Then he shifted to Baghdad. He was known as a giant among the grammarians and a great linguist.
The contributions of Mubarrad to different sciences is many more. From the long list of his works which Ibn Al Nadeem has given we are giving only a few names of his books which are as follows:
معاني القرآن. كتاب الاسمای ۳. كتاب القواني. - لتا ا- كتاب الكامل
لنا الاره لتاب ادب الحليس اليو. لباس تواعدا لشعرها - كتاب المدخل

These are the prominent lexicographers in the Abbasid Period and they played a vital role in spreading the lexicography all over the world.