is a noun in accusative case which is used to clear the doubt found in anyone of sentences, It is also called as " Al-Tabyeen" or " Al-Tafseer" in Arabic.

The doubt may bee seen in three types of words:

1) Weight
2) Measurement ( Liquid & Distance) and
3) Number

The Adverb of clarification for above three words except Number, can be used in 3 ways which are as follows:

1)  The thing whose doubt will be cleared by possessed.
for example:

                                            شربت کوبَ لبنٍ

2) The adverb of clarification may be in accusative case with nu nation.
for example:

شربت کوباً لبناً

3) The adverb of clarification may be in genitive case by the preposition.
for example:

شربت کوباً من لبنٍ

The number category will be published separately for better understanding.