Coronavirus in the light of Hadith


The first sermon

Praise be to God, we praise Him, seek His help, and His guide, and seek refuge in God from the evils of our souls and the bad deeds of our actions. Whom He guides anyone cannot lead him astray, and he who is misled cannot guide him.
And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone no partner for him,

And I bear witness that our Prophet and Master Muhammad are His servant and Messenger, may God bless and grant peace to your servant and Messenger, and to all his family and companions.


Fear and obey God Almighty!

For God’s piety is the means to all goodness in this home and in the home of decision.

O Muslims: delegate all of your affairs to God, and trust in Him,
Whoever relies on God suffices him, and reaches his paradise and his pleasure,
And work with the reasons guided by the wise Sharia, and the reasons that were known with the right permissible experiences,
Whoever ruled the Sharia in all its affairs was one of the successful people,
He who was exposed from the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger was among the losers.

The Servants of God: Your Lord - whose names are sanctified - has written the ingredients, and spent things fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth.
On the authority of Abdullah bin Amr - may God be pleased with them - he said: I heard the Messenger of God, saying: ((God estimated the amounts before he created the heavens and the earth fifty thousand years)) Narrated by Muslim and Al-Tirmidhi.

And God Almighty does whatever He wants,

He has full power, powerful will, great wisdom, surrounding science, and general mercy.
Creation is his creation, and it is all up to him, {He is not asked about what he does and they are asked} [Al-Anbiya: 23].

God Almighty wanted this worldly life to be a link between good and evil, and for this thread to be seen going on over the years that God has created forever.

In this presence, God Almighty has estimated life and death, beloved and hated, good and evil, joy and happiness, sadness and worries, health and disease, health and affliction, obedience and disobedience, anguish and relief, hardship and ease, perfection and imperfection, impotence and sacredness.
Let creation teach that this universe has a great God, with all the qualities of perfection, without the attributes of imperfection, to worship Him and not associate with anything.
And they want him - glory be to Him - to seek every good in this world and the hereafter.
May they seek refuge in their Lord from every evil, so that every evil in this world and the hereafter can be dispensed with.

The Lord - the Almighty - is capable of all, God Almighty said: If touches God's affliction, none can remove it but is even restore you okay not rad to the bounty affects him whom He will of His slaves and is the Forgiving, Most Merciful} [Yunus: 107].

And whoever imagines or thinks that this observable universe can achieve good without creating evil in existence, he imagines what is not, and he thinks that its existence is not realized;
Because this observable universe, if good and obedience existed without evil and hatred, would exist and have another universe, which has other years, and other reasons, and God is all-powerful.

As for the hereafter, all good is pure, and all bliss is in heaven.
All evil is in full contempt and suffering in all kinds of fire.
He who entered Paradise is: He was neither sad nor regretted for his death from the world, and he does not regret his afflictions.
And whoever enters Hell: He has not benefited from Him, He has been pleased with him in the world.

On the authority of Anas - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God قالsaid: ((The best of the people of the world will be brought from the people of Hell, and it will be dyed in Hell, then it will be said: O son of Adam: Have you ever seen the goodness, has he ever passed you from Naeem?! No, by God, God, whatever I have been through.

The misery of the people of Heaven is brought to bear, and it is dyed in Heaven. He said to him: O son of Adam: Have you ever seen misery? Did he ever pass by you? He says: No, by God, Lord, misery has never passed through me, and I have never seen the intensity of my cat.)

With the world disturbed by distress and the calamity and misfortune in it, faith and Islam are the guarantors of its owner, the good punishment, and the best of money and upside down,
With more blessings, and reward for thanks,
And atone for bad deeds, and the reward for patience.

On the authority of Salman - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God قالsaid: “(Surprisingly to the command of the believer, his command is all good, and this is not for anyone except the believer. If he suffers from a delicacy of gratitude, then it is good for him, and if he suffers from the light of patience, then it is good for him)”. Narrated by Muslim.

And diseases are what plagues the servants, and God Almighty creates them for cause and without reason.
And He will relieve those He wills from it for a reason and without a reason, God Almighty said: {He who is glorious and the glorious one is effective for what He desires} [Al-Burooj: 15, 16].

He who is afflicted with something of that will be patient and be reckoned, and be treated with the reasons that God has permitted him for, for the Prophet said: “(Treat them, for God Almighty did not waste a disease except He put medicine to him, other than one disease, which is the pyramid)” Narrated by Abu Dawood, and Al-Tirmidhi from the hadith of Osama Bin Shrek - may God be pleased with him -.

And on the authority of Abu al-Dardaa - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God said: ((God sent down the disease and the medicine, and he made for every disease a medicine, so treat them and do not treat them forbidden)). Narrated by Abu Dawood.

And the supplication praises God by what He has revealed and what He has not revealed
It is one of the reasons that bring about all good, and the motive for every evil. God Almighty said: {And your Lord said, “Let me listen to you.” [Ghafer: 60].

And people knew diseases that, God willing, would be transferred from the patient to the right one - God willing -
The people of the Jahiliyya believed that these diseases were inherently infectious, so they were transmitted by themselves from the patient to the correct one, so the correct patient would be infected with mixing and encountering inevitably;
God revoked the beliefs of the people of the Jahiliyya, and he informed the Prophet that (“there is no touch ability”) and exile is more powerful than the prohibition in nullifying the enemy.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God قال said: “(There is no touch ability, no bird, no task, and yellowish disease.”) Bukhari and Muslim.

- And “the plane” is the visual or audible pessimism, and it is one of the works of the polytheists in pre-Islamic times.