The second sermon

(اجتنبوا السبع الموبقات(۲

Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions, and whoever follows his path

And after:

- Worshipers of God, and among these siblings, he ate the money of an orphan: This is because the orphan is often a broken heart.

On the authority of Sahl bin Saad - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -  said: “I and therefore the sponsor of an orphan in Paradise are like this, and he said: together with his fingers and forefinger and middle fingers, he spared something between them.”Narrated by Bukhari.

In return, Islam made the attack on the orphan and his injustice and consumed his money in vain and digested it from the property that followed its owner in the world insulted and disgraced, and dipped him in the hereafter in the fire.

God Almighty says: ال Those who eat the money of orphans are unjust, but they eat in their stomachs with fire and the women will rise up [10]. 

- Worshipers of God, and when the act of enemies created the cowardly betrayers, Islam prohibited taking charge on the day of crawling, and meeting enemies with incense and weakness, because it broke the thorn of Muslims, and tempted the enemies in believers, so it is not permissible for a Muslim to flee before his enemy when the rows coherence, and swords swarm in the correct Islamic jihad , it is a major sin, and Msagtat Allam unseen, says Glorified and Exalted: O you who believe! If ye meet those who disbelieve in battle do not turn your backs, and from that day Aolhm only orchestrated Travail to fight or biased to a class has He was angry with God and the shelter of Hell and the misery of destiny [Al-Anfal 16: 15], meaning that God forbade fleeing before the infidels except in two cases: 

- The first to provide a plot for a class.

- And the second: to take sides with another group of Muslims to help them with their enemy.

- The servants of God and the seventh tomb that forbade.

The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - forbade the immunized women of the unaware of believers: What is more that occurs in the rumors that circulate in these and other days, that is, the throwing of the chaste women who are chaste and silent with adultery, and they do not think of them, and the slander of the man is like the slander of the woman in sanctity and iniquity, but rather the woman Because it is more likely that ejaculation will be more for women, and because the harm to them is more severe for them, and for this reason, the Sharia strengthened the punishment for the slanderer. He said - Glorified and Exalted be He:

Moon honorable women did not come up with four martyrs Vagelteke eighty stripes and never accept their testimony, and those are the evildoers, except those who repent then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. ([Nur 5: 4]

If this is to slander in obscenity, then how is obscenity itself?! So, let us, O servants of God, be wary of these wickedness, the devastation that casts its owner at the bottom of the circles, O God, we are immoral from our side, what appeared from here and what is belly, O God, we are immoral. O God, we seek refuge in You from temptations, what appeared from them and what is in the stomach, O Allah, guide us to the best morals, do not guide me to the best of them except you, our Lord has brought us in the world in good and in the Hereafter is good and we are the torment of fire, O God, forgive the believers and the believers, and Muslims and Muslim women living among them and the dead, and prayers of God and peace be upon Our Prophet Muhammad.

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