Abbasid Dynasty/Caliphate

Abbasid Dynasty

Baghdad in Abbasid Period
After the downfall of Umayyad dynasty, came the rule of Abbas. A gigantic dynasty with the fresh willingness to rule that triggered seven struggles and settled down to control and reform the Islamic states.

The Islamic State's focus had moved from Damascus to Baghdad in a setting other than that of the Umayyad dynasty.

There is no doubt that this is not a brilliant period for the Arabs that ended with the extension of Umayyad rule.

Islamic Golden Period

Now it was the time for culture expansion. That's why the Abbasid period is called “The Golden Period”. It was indeed of a culture revolution. The field was being prepared as one of the geographical portions of the period for the expansion of learning.
The Abbasid era was lucky to have had very favorable conditions for that reason
Art of Abbasid Period

Among the many factors that were working in the promotion of learning, it was the intellectual train of the society with the new thinking & awakening from within.
 A new desire to acquire knowledge with Baghdad as Islamic world's cultural code.
There emerged & developed many sciences which come in prose literatures.

The Abbasids were forced to employ Christ, Arabs, local Persians, and Armenians for the revolution.
The need to learn each other's language, literature and science emerged with the coming together of different cultures during the Abbasid rule literature and sciences which resulted that the translation activity sent into mother tongue as regard alien sciences. During the Abbasid Era, they found their way into Arabic through Persian, translation from Greek into Pahlavi and then from Pahlavi into Arabic.
 It can be recalled that, after a bitter civil war, the Abbasid Dynasty came to power.Al-Mansoor (2nd Caliph of Abbasid Dynasty) who is the real founder of the Dynasty is realized that his primary duty was to reconcile different groups who worked for the Abbasid and also to satisfy their formal rivals.

Decline Of Abbasid Period

Decline of the Abbasid Caliphate

Abbasid collapse occurred when the early 1200's saw the rise of the Mongolian Empire in eastern Asia.
The Mongols invaded China, and then began their west march to the Middle East.

The Mongols landed at Baghdad, the Abbasid Caliphate capital city, in 1258.
At the time the Caliph believed that Baghdad could not be invaded and refused to satisfy the demands of the Mongols.The Mongol chief, Hulagu Khan, then laid siege to the town. Baghdad had capitulated in less than two weeks and the Caliph was put to death. This was the Abbasid Dynasty or Caliphate short & precise history.

Some Points of Abbasid Period to be noted :

1)    The first capital city of Abbasids was Kufa but when they built Baghdad and developed it they made it capital 762 CE.
2)    Around 800000 people were killed when Mongols invaded on Baghdad.
3)    The siege of Baghdad by Mongols is considered as “the end of Islamic Caliphate”.
4)    Mongols killed the caliph by wrapping him in a sack and trampling him with horses on the ground.
5)    Abu Ja’afar Al-Mansoor is considered as the real founder of Abbasid Caliphate.

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