How A Believer Spends His Life (کیف یصرف المومن حیاتہ)

ھیھات یھیات، اھلک الناس الامانی، قول بلاعمل، معرفۃ بغیر صبر، و ایمان بلایقین،مالی اریٰ رجالاً و لا اریٰ عقولاً!، واسمع حسیسا و لا اریٰ انیساً، دخل الوقم واللہ ثم خرجوا، و عرفوا ثم انکروا، وحرّموا ثم استحلّوا، انما دین احدکم لعقۃ علی لسانہ، اذا سئل امومن انت بیوم الحساب؟ قال: نعم! کذب ومالک یوم الدّین،

ان من اخلاق المومن قوۃ فی دین، وحزما فی لین، وایمانا فی یقین، وعلما فی حلم، و حلمابعلم، وکیسا فی رفق ، وتجملا فی فاقۃ، وقصداً فی غنیٰ، شفقہ فی نفقۃ، ورحمۃ لمجھود، وعطائ فی الحقوق، وانصافاً فی استقامۃ، لا یحیف علیٰ من یبغض، ولا یاثم فی مساعدۃ من یحبّ، ولا یھمز ولا یغمز ولا یلمز، ولا یلغو، ولا 

یلھو، ولا یلعب، ولا یمشی بالنمیمۃ، ولا یتبع ما لیس لہ، ولایجحد الحق الذی علیہ، ولا یتجاوز فی العدو،ولایسر بالفجعۃان حلّت بغیرہ، ولا یسرّ بالمعصیۃ اذا نزلت بسواہ۔المومن فی الصلاۃ خاشع، والی الرکوع مسارع، قولہ شفائ، وصبرہ تقیّ، وسکوتہ فکرۃ، ونظرہ عبرۃ، یخالط العلمائ لیعلم، ویسکت بینھم لیسلم، ویتکلم فیغنم، ان احسن استبشر، وان اسائ استغفر، وان عتب 
استعتب، وان سفہ علیہ حلم، وان ظلم صبر، وان جبر علیہ عدل، ولا یتعوّذ بغیر اللہ ، ولا یستعین الّا باللہ ، وفور فی الملا، شکور فی الخلا، قانع بالرزق، حامدعلی الرخائ، صابر علی البلائ، ان جلس مع الغافلین کتب من  الذاکرین، وان مع الذاکرین کتب من المستغفرین۔ھکذا کان اصحاب النبی ﷺ الاول فالاوّل، حتّیٰ لحقوا باللہ عزّ و جلّ ، وھکذا کان المسلمون من سلفکم الصالح ، وانما غیّر بکم لما غیّرتم ثمّ تلا (ان اللہ لا یغیّر ما بقوم حتّیٰ یغیّر ما بانفسھم واذا اراد اللہ بقوم سوئاً فلا مردّ لہ، وما لھم من دونہ من وّالٍ) (الرعد: ۱۱)  ارجع ھنا۔Translation:                                       


It is far away. The people are destroyed by their desires. Saying without acting,
knowledge without patience, faith without belief. Why do I see people and I do not see
reasoning. I have whispering and I do not see a friend. By Allah the people entered (in to the
religion) and then left. They accepted and then denied, they declared unlawful (then made it) lawful. Indeed, that religion of one of you is like licking on his tongue, when he is asked, do you believe in the Day of Judgment?, He said: yes, he lied by Allah/ Master of the Day of Judgment.

Indeed the conduct of the believer is the strength in religion; determination in softness; faith
in belief; knowledge in forbearance; forbearance in knowledge; intelligence in kindness,
goodness in starvation; moderation in richness; sympathy in spending; mercy for (people in)
difficulty; grants in rights, justice in dutifulness. He does not oppress when he hates; he does not commit a sin in helping whom he loves; he does not back bite; he does not label baseless accusation; he does not pick defects; he does not chatter nonsense, he does not entertain in wrong things: he does not play: he does not spread rumors; he does not follow what is not beneficial to him: he does not deny the right which is on him: he does not exceed in excuses; he does not happy in trouble or difficulty even if it fell on others or someone else; he does not happy with sin even if it is committed by others.

The believer in prayer is devoted; he hurries towards bowing down; his words are
healing: his patience is piety; his silence (is based on) ideal consideration; his views are lesson. He meets the scholars for acquiring knowledge; he remains silent among them to be safe; he speaks to take advantage. If he does well, he become happy, if he does wrong, he seeks forgiveness: if he is wronged, he is patient; if good (is done) to him, he is honest. He will not seek refuge in others besides Allah, he will not seek help, except with Allah. He is dignifies in the group, thankful in solitude, satisfied with provision; praise upon well being; patient on calamity misfortune. It he sat with the headless, he is written among those who remember. It he sat with those who remember, he is written among those who seek forgiveness.

The companions of the Prophet (PBUH) were like this, each time the first available until
they are united (to follow in death)with Allah. The Muslim from the righteous predecessors were like this. However he was changed for you that is why you changed, then say" Indeed Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, and Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for theme besides Him any patron".

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