Some frequently used Arabic Phrases


Arabic Phrases

Actually there are lot of words to ask someone about his condition. But we don’t know which & when to use them?

Here is your Answer!


1) When someone is sad/ sorrowful =         مَا خَطْبُک؟

2) When asking about the condition =      ما شَأنُک؟

3) When wanna know the matter =   ما أَمْرُک؟

4) Typically used word                   =     کَیْفَ الْحَال؟

5) Other ways to ask condition   =     کیف المِزَاج؟/ فی أیِّ حالٍ أنْت


Caution! If asked about female, use kasra(Zer) on the last of the latter and for male , use Fat`ha (Zabar) on the same.